Old Cadillac


Old Cadillac

Posted by Kevin Doak on Friday at: 7:35pm (July 9th, 2010)

I walked into practice in time to do some stretching before I hopped in. It was then that I noticed Mike, a U of M swimmer I trained with last year, he must have just started training with us this week. His comment on my presence there was classic, hilarious, insulting and honest all in one:

"Doak! Haha, you're here! Wow... you're... like... an old Cadillac.... (pause) Ya know... it's like... a great car and all, but ya don't expect it to still be running"

At first I laughed, because he immediately started back tracking on his words. This obviously meant he was being totally honest! Afterward, I still couldn't believe he said it, even taking into consideration he's a very honest person, the mouth filter totally failed him on that one! A few friends and I had a good laugh about it and I knew it would make a solid blog topic.
