A Nice Easy Active Rest Workout!
29A Nice Easy Active Rest Workout!
Posted by Kevin Doak on Tuesday at: 5:20pm (June 29th, 2010)
It was an enjoyable 5,000 meters! A little fast swimming with a main set of:
4 x [4x50 Easy 50/Fast 50 + 100 Easy/100 Fast]
I'm not proud of my times, but I'm feeling more confident each practice. I was anywhere from 33.xx to 36.xx on the 50's and 1:19 to 1:21 on the 100's.
I'm the lowest weight I've been in months!
Session Weight Information
Pre-Practice Weight: 175.5 lbs
Post-Practice Weight: 173.9 lbs
Post-Practice Weight: 173.9 lbs
Practice Information
5,000 LCM - (Long Course 50 Meters)
Practice Type: Active Rest
Practice Type: Active Rest