Dryland workout issue
12Dryland workout issue
Posted by Kevin Doak on Friday at: 3:52pm (March 12th, 2010)
I've noticed an issue I'm having while on this P90X workout program. There have been quite a few days lately that I haven't been able to squeeze a second workout into my day after swimming. The P90X takes a minimum of an hour and 15 mins to complete. That's a long time if you're busy or tired.
The issue I notice is that when I DON'T do P90X is that I do nothing dryland related that day. In years past I would always do something outside of the water each day. Rarely would it be over an hour of exercise but at least I was working my muscles somehow. It might have only been a 10 minute ab set but that's 10 minutes more than I've been doing on days I don't do P90X.
Its a simple fix in my day obviously but it was important to identify the problem. I really enjoy the program but those workouts can certainly seem daunting when you're tired or busy.