Feeling Great!


Feeling Great!

Posted by Kevin Doak on Wednesday at: 11:42pm (November 17th, 2010)
Feeling Great!

I've really enjoyed my training over the past 2 weeks. I've MADE time to swim each day. At no point did I actually HAVE time to swim but I've kept it a top priority. The actual time in the pool hasn't been impressive at all. I'd say I'm probably averaging 45 minutes a day but I really make it count. I beat myself up for every second of those 45 minutes. I've been doing dryland training from home each day and I'm seeing progress already! I'm a little run down from long hours of work and weights but I'm hangin in there.

I'm really overwhelmed with how nice other swimmers are. I swear, everybody I ever run into at pools is just smiling and happy to be getting exercise.

Tonight I had a fellow swimmer give me a 14" x 20" picture of our National Record breaking 400 Medley Relay taken in April. It was actually a pretty good trade, I gave him a CD with 100+ high resolution pictures of him and a friend swimming at a meet in February (I think I got the best deal though!). This picture is HUGE!

Practice Information
Dist: 2,700 SCY - (Short Course 25 Yards)