A little help
10A little help
Posted by Kevin Doak on Wednesday at: 10:48am (November 10th, 2010)
Although I'm not a big running fan due to the possibility of knee damage, I took a brief jaunt to and from practice tonight. I bundled up in my ninja running outfit and scooted over to the local community pool for a brief 2,500 yard workout.
I ran into an aspiring triathlete whom I had talked to about 6 months ago. He reminded me that I had helped him with his freestyle leading up to his first Triathlon. He thanked me again for my words of encouragement and told me how much it helped him in training. It was a nice exchange and yet another reminder of why I enjoy giving back anything I can to the swimming community.
Session Weight Information
Pre-Practice Weight: 166.8 lbs
Post-Practice Weight: 165.9 lbs
Post-Practice Weight: 165.9 lbs
Practice Information
2,500 SCY - (Short Course 25 Yards)