Purple people eater.


Purple people eater.

Posted by Kevin Doak on Saturday at: 3:07pm (November 6th, 2010)

Today I was haunted by a purple bandaid in lane 6. The entity in question began following me about 2,000 yards into my practice and it stalked me for about 15 minutes straight.

There's something just extra gross about bandaids in the pool. If we can all be honest here for a moment, we all know people (children) spit, pee and blow their nose in the pool, it's the whole reason for aggressive water circulation systems, filtering and chlorine. These methods take care of all that stuff fairly quickly and to the point we can't see the evidence 60 seconds after it occurs. Yet bandaids, even after semi-sterilized by the chlorine, just don't go anywhere. They seem to just hang out, neutrally buoyant, in my lane... stalking me.

Today the purple creeper didn't actually make contact with my body. It watched me for a while, threatening contact and moved on to the next lane. After striking fear into my consciousness for what seemed like forever, it had made it's mark on my practice... sufficiently distracting me from training hard during an entire 1,000 yards. Naturally the human tendency is for revenge of course! However, I haven't figured out a way to declare war on bandaids, but I'm working on it. My next option is to simply recommend that if you HAVE to wear a bandaid in the pool, use the "Toughstrips" by "BANDAID" brand. I'm 90% sure they're certified magic. These things are scary sticky. You put them on and they seem to chemically bond with skin. You actually need to get them removed by a professional in a full blown surgical setting.

Ok, the last two sentences were baloney but you get my drift, they're awesome little strips of adhesive that don't come off in the pool. They're even waterproof! The times I've needed to wear one in the pool, I took it off afterward and zero water had gotten on my injury. If you've ever had a bandaid fall off, you need to run out and get some immediately for the next time you cut your hand taking off the exhaust system on your car.

As for the purple people eater, I will have my revenge.

Practice Information
Dist: 3,100 SCY - (Short Course 25 Yards)