Always a Battle


Always a Battle

Posted by Kevin Doak on Monday at: 6:38pm (August 3rd, 2009)
I've done my best lately to eat enough and get adequate sleep leading up to my big taper meet this year. Its always a battle balancing life, relationships and friendships along with a full time work schedule with swimming every day. Thus far I've done a great job making everything happen and making few sacrifices on each portion of my life. Although something must always suffer. I've noticed its time with friends which seems to go by the wayside when I have such a deep commitment to work and training.

I look forward to seeing some friends and family when I have a break from training after nationals.

Training is going great. I did 3,200 meters outdoors yesterday and saw a fellow Masters swimmer Jim Pogue swimming as well. We discussed the recent World Champs and of course... Who could mention top level swimming without talking about the tech suit drama!? I'm getting really tired of it. Every swim encounter I have it finds a way into the conversation. I'll be glad when they're banned once and for all.

Today I'll swim 3,000 meters with some variable sprints!