Busy, but exciting things happening!


Busy, but exciting things happening!

Posted by Kevin Doak on Monday at: 2:53am (October 19th, 2009)
Just been slammed with work lately. I got in the pool on Saturday at EMU before their Intersquad meet and swam a brief workout. I stuck around for the entire meet and took about 1,700 pictures for the team website I run. I received a very nice email from one of the parents thanking me for my hard work I contribute to EMUswim.com. I will keep her name private, but I hope she doesn't mind me sharing her heartfelt words here:

"I have shared your website address (www.emuswim.com) with the parents and have gotten several positive comments back. For some, your pictures are all they get to see of their son's swim season - so thank you very much for what you are doing!! Keep up the good work."

I was really proud of the work I've done for EMU while reading that email. I try hard to give back to that program as much as possible. I've done a lot of great research and development on a high definition underwater video system I'm building. It's been very time consuming but once it's finished, it will be among the best systems on the market.

I took today off to focus on work and dryland training. I'll be back in the water tomorrow!

Here is one of the pictures I took this weekend:

I thought it was really well composed!