Great sleep and record breaking site visits!

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Great sleep and record breaking site visits!

Posted by Kevin Doak on Saturday at: 1:59pm (June 28th, 2008)
After a textbook night of sleep, I woke up at a planned 8:45am without an alarm. I'm happy I ended up in a hotel with comfortable beds, sleep is really important during the next few days. Everything feels as it should, I feel rested and ready to go. I've been very conscious of anything not feeling right regarding my limbs and joints. Overall I think I'm in good shape. My ankles are pretty sore, I think this is from wearing sandals a few weeks ago, I stopped wearing them about a week ago. I notice they kind of hurt when I do butterfly kicks, I doubt it will effect my race though. I'm going to head downstairs and check out the free breakfast, but I have backup plans involving omelets if that doesn't work out.

I wanted to thank everybody taking an interest in my swimming recently, as well as my die hard supporters. Being kind of a tech guy, I notice my site hits (visits) range from 30-50 a day. Yesterday the 27th we hit 96 hits in one day! So thank you for your interest, I'm having a lot of fun updating the site with my experiences. Please let me know if you'd like me to report on anything else while I'm out here. Thanks again to my readers, you make me feel appreciated!

Thank you to all my friends, family and new readers who have sent me such nice messages using the contact page. Its really nice to get your messages of support!