The elderly in the 100 Back
26The elderly in the 100 Back
Posted by Kevin Doak on Thursday at: 3:20am (June 26th, 2008)
I'm the second oldest person in the 100 back. Second only to Randall Bal by a few months. It's a real shame I'm gonna have to beat up on these kids :)
I had a great practice today with some race pace swimming. I had a few broken 100's that I was holding 27.xx from a push and 28 low on the 2nd 50. These are pretty fast for me considering it was at the end of practice and I was in a drag suit. I practiced some starts on a pad with the least amount of grip I could find. This was an attempt to mimic the low grip on the Omega pads. I probably did a few too many starts, my back muscles hurts a bit. I've been stretching it tonight in hopes it will go away quickly. I've been eating lots of good food and preparing the best I can.