Sharks + No Pools = Take 7 Days Off


Sharks + No Pools = Take 7 Days Off

Posted by Kevin Doak on Tuesday at: 12:53am (December 30th, 2008)
Today I enjoyed a beautiful sunrise in Marathon Key in the exact spot I had done some ocean swimming last year. As I was taking some nice ocean pictures I noticed something in the water. Sure enough, it was a shark swimming along the shoreline just 10 yards out.


I admit I was a little freaked out (growing up in Michigan) to see a shark swimming exactly where I had gotten a workout 12 months earlier! I'm sure people growing up near oceans are used to this kind of thing, but it gave me enough reason to take a week off of swimming due to the lack of pools in the Florida Keys. The more I thought about it, I remembered all the things they say about sharks. That they're mostly skittish and "They're more scared of us than we are of them" type thing. That being said, I see no reason to take the chance if he decides to just nibble a little bit! File this one under "unnecessary risk". I remember a friend asking the campground attendant if there were any pools around the area, he laughed and said "you have pretty big pool right over there, pointing to the Atlantic Ocean.

Today was just one more reason I'm built for all-natural chlorine swimming in all-natural natatoriums.