Four Workouts, One Day


Four Workouts, One Day

Posted by Kevin Doak on Saturday at: 8:11pm (October 4th, 2008)
I have four main groups of exercises:

1. Swimming
2. Running
3. Dryland (bodyweight exercises)
4. Weights

Due to a very busy work week, I might actually do all four today. I normally split up workouts into groups per day and do weights and running and the next day do dryland and swimming. Its never quite that structured but you get the picture.

I had to take two days off swimming this week so today was my chance to catch up. So far today I've done a full dryland workout along with weights and a 3400 yard practice. I'm hoping I can make time to run later, its a great day outside! In the pool I did my typical 3000 yard workout but decided to listen to my former teammate John and "do at least 1200 dolphin kick per practice". Its brilliant advice considering how weak my kick is compared to what I know I'm capable of. Today I did half my practice dolphin kick on my back. It reminded me of another piece of advice I picked up from my former coach Peter Linn. Sometime last year I asked him what the pros do to perfect their "underwaters" (dolphin kicking off the walls underwater). He mentioned there was no secret, they simply kicked 15 meters off EVERY wall, including practice. The theory is sound, if you want to do it (kick the maximum distance underwater, which is the fastest method) then do it in practice... EVERY wall, EVERY day. I will add this to the growing list of things to think about while self training.

I finished my swim practice with a 100 yard dolphin kick all out. I took a minute of rest beforehand. I finished in a disapointing 1:06. I was down around a 1:01 before I made my trials cut. I will make it a new goal to kick under 1:00 from a push.