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Might have Broken my Ankle

Posted by Kevin Doak on Friday at: 8:12pm (September 4th, 2009)
Since it affects my training I'll discuss it...

I wish it was a more glorious story but about 30 minutes ago I was looking through some storage items had to jump over a few large boxes to get out. My trailing foot got caught and twisted. I heard something snap but it could have been the plastic box.

I know its on the outside of my ankle and that its fairly debilitating pain when I attempt to walk on it. I'm hoping its something small or just sprained.

I'm going to get an X-ray tomorrow! Woo Hoo!

Funny how these things happen at the best times!


Great 2nd Day Back in the Water

Posted by Kevin Doak on Friday at: 2:49am (September 4th, 2009)
I had a chance to join Ann Arbor Masters for their last day at Fuller pool. Coach Bethany was in charge today and we did a moderate/hard 3500 meters. It was a great day for making some swimming connections. I met a few swimmers I hadn't seen before, among them was a great athlete named Amanda, I had a pleasant conversation with her regarding Masters Nationals and Indy's Swim Fit program, only to find out later she was the wife of local swimming legend Todd Mercer! I know Todd from my high school days at Brighton, he still holds some records in fact.

Need a Plan

Posted by Kevin Doak on Wednesday at: 9:33pm (September 2nd, 2009)
I dedicated my summer to training with a team. My time with EMU/CW was a fantastic learning experience. I anticipate I will utilize many of the training ideas for years to come. The expertise of Coaches Sarah Volpe and Peter Linn was just as impressive as I thought it would be.

At this point I need to develop a new individual training plan. My new location will make pool training more inconvenient but will allow me to implement a more extensive dryland exercise program.


Flume Video!

Posted by Kevin Doak on Sunday at: 6:20am (August 30th, 2009)
Well it only took a few weeks, but I've transferred the video from VHS and made a digital copy. While competing at the 2009 Masters Long Course Nationals I had the chance to swim in a "Flume". A Flume is a small pool which you swim against a constant current. This experience was made possible by the company "Endless Pools" sponsoring the event. There is a permanently installed Flume at the IUPUI Natatorium. You can read more about Flumes at the "Endless Pool" website: www.endlesspools.com

Taking a day or two off

Posted by Kevin Doak on Wednesday at: 2:02am (August 26th, 2009)
A day after my weight workout in Chicago the pain started to set in. I overlifted to the point that my arms are now officially classified as useless appendages. In fact, I had to type this entire post with my nose.

After another brief sightseeing trip I'll be back in the pool training for some masters meets coming up this fall! I can't wait for Short Course again!


Running along the Chicago Lakeshore

Posted by Kevin Doak on Sunday at: 4:21pm (August 23rd, 2009)
For as many movies as it's been in, I've always wanted to run along the Chicago lakeshore. It was a nice brisk morning so I took a jaunt along Lake Michigan. Forgive the poor pictures, I took them WHILE running.


Weight Lifting on the 40th Floor in Chicago!

Posted by Kevin Doak on Saturday at: 10:47pm (August 22nd, 2009)
While visiting some friends in Chicago I decided to at least get a weight workout in. It was an experience I've never had before. While working out, I was overlooking downtown Chicago from the 40th floor! It was really quite cool. I don't live in a big city so between sets I found it really interesting to look at all the activity and interesting looking buildings from the windows on two sides of the facility. The pictures don't do it justice at all but here are a few:

Gearing up for a 5k Run

Posted by Kevin Doak on Friday at: 4:04pm (August 21st, 2009)
After a short break from swim training, I've started training for my yearly 5k run. Since the pool I typically train in is closed for the next 10-15 days this gives me a great (forced) opportunity to avoid the pool.

Where to swim... Where to swim...

Posted by Kevin Doak on Wednesday at: 7:52pm (August 19th, 2009)
A quick call to my favorite Pool Guy, Tim White, answered a few of my pressing Jones Natatorium questions. The pool will be closed until September 5th but they're hoping to be done by the 1st. He mentioned that there is still about 5 feet of water at the bottom which still needs to be drained.

Tim wasn't as excited as I was regarding my plans to rollerblade in the pool once it was dry. I'm sure a crisp new $5 dollar bill might change his mind...

For now I'll be running and rollerblading on days I can't make it over to the outdoor Fuller Pool.


Yup... I missed it

Posted by Kevin Doak on Tuesday at: 8:11pm (August 18th, 2009)
I FINALLY got back in the pool Monday after a full week off! I felt very awkward in the water. It was really quite relaxing. I told myself I was just going to swim as long as I felt like... which turned out to be about 30 minutes and 1500 meters. I'm excited to get back into training! I really missed being in the water.