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First FULL week back in the water

Posted by Kevin Doak on Saturday at: 3:44pm (September 26th, 2009)
I'm proud to say I've completed a full week of swim practices... finally. I made a commitment to myself to do so on Monday and made it happen. My current training situation really makes me miss training at EMU. The local community pools don't make me feel like training very hard. The high water temperatures make you feel lethargic and makes it difficult to push yourself since you're almost immediately overheating.

3,000 a day and goggle history

Posted by Kevin Doak on Thursday at: 7:51am (September 24th, 2009)
I've been getting in the water semi-regularly lately. When I do, I've been swimming 3,000 yards and trying to simply maintain my training. I wish I could say I'm getting better but I'm not making that sort of progress right now.

The Exact Monetary Value of a Swim Practice

Posted by Kevin Doak on Wednesday at: 11:09pm (September 23rd, 2009)
Today, during my rushed trip to the pool, I parked in an empty parking lot and walked in. During my walk, I realized that were I parked was almost certainly against a local ordinance. This meant I would most likely be ticketed or towed if I left my vehicle there.

Site Progress and Kensington Challenge

Posted by Kevin Doak on Tuesday at: 12:22am (September 22nd, 2009)
I'm getting excited to launch this new site! I've added a lot of my favorite features from many other projects to this new version!

Unfortunately I missed my first "Kensington Challenge" in 5 years. I typically run a 5k every year for the simple reason of doing it. This year my ankle issue kept me from both training and competing in this annul race. Luckly I was there (late) to support a good friend running the race. I'm glad I didn't run it though, my ankle still hurts to walk on and seems like it will probably be a long recovery process.

Working on the site...

Posted by Kevin Doak on Sunday at: 8:49pm (September 13th, 2009)
I rarely have time to upgrade my own site, but it's what I've been busy with lately. A new version is almost complete!

I've been staying active but haven't swam much lately due to the ankle issue and work commitments. I've been considering different workout plans that will fit into my schedule. I'm excited for some of these short course meets coming up!

Coach Jones Needs a Speedy Recovery

Posted by Kevin Doak on Wednesday at: 9:41pm (September 9th, 2009)
It's always difficult to separate all the experiences I have and what is appropriate to share on a world wide accessible blog. After thinking about it, I've decided to only share a single sentence of information because it affects a person that has shaped my swimming career.

Today, I have former EMU's Swimming Coach Michael Jones in my thoughts as he recovers from a recent operation.

I'm Back in the Water!

Posted by Kevin Doak on Wednesday at: 9:28pm (September 9th, 2009)
Along with some ankle pain, I was in the water for the first time since last Friday's incident. I hopped in with a local High School team and swam 3,300 yards to take the edge off and see how my ankle would hold up. As expected, the harder I kicked, the more painful it was. I'm hoping this was the first of many successful training days ahead of me. Lesson learned and still no broken bones. I'm ready for a nap!

Headed back to the water today

Posted by Kevin Doak on Tuesday at: 6:21pm (September 8th, 2009)
After taking a few days off physical activity, I'm going to attempt to swim this evening. I never bothered getting my ankle x-rayed since I could walk on it. It still hurts when I rotate my joint so I doubt I'll be able to kick very much during practice today. I'll report back later...

Hanging in there

Posted by Kevin Doak on Saturday at: 8:10pm (September 5th, 2009)
I iced my ankle last night and I'm gonna do some ab workouts later to keep active. I'm not happy about having to take pool time off for something so silly. I'm going to get an x-ray today to make sure I didn't break anything.

I caught up with my former High School Coach Sean Hickman this morning and discussed a training plan. Hopefully I can speak with him again soon, he's a great swimming resource!

It's possible to walk on it...

Posted by Kevin Doak on Saturday at: 7:46am (September 5th, 2009)
Due to an interesting work schedule, I couldn't get my ankle checked out last night, I'm going to ice it and hope for the best. If it still really hurts later today I'll get an X-ray. With no other options, I had to walk on it during the evening. It was painful but not impossible. I'm leaning very optimistic so I'm banking on it simply being a sprain.