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First week done

Posted by Kevin Doak on Friday at: 6:59am (January 8th, 2010)
Well, it took a few weeks, but I finished the first week of P90X. Once again anyway. It felt great to pass that milestone. I finished up my workout day with crunches and some various dryland. I'm looking forward to swimming once tomorrow and resting for a meet on Sunday! That progress bar on the left is looking less pathetic each day :)

Give me strength...

Posted by Kevin Doak on Thursday at: 10:00pm (January 7th, 2010)
It's going to take everything I have to NOT go sledding over the next few days.  I fully appreciate how ridiculous this sounds.  I'm a 28 year old man and all I can think about when I look outside is the next possible moment I can go sledding.  I only bring this up because it could potentially trash my meet on Sunday.  Worst case, I would be risking injury or at the very least sore muscles.

Website Coding Changes

Posted by Kevin Doak on Thursday at: 7:31am (January 7th, 2010)
I spent a little while improving the code that runs the website today. It now passes validation:

<-- Look at that status bar climb!

Posted by Kevin Doak on Thursday at: 6:59am (January 7th, 2010)
I just hit 4%! I love that little status bar. It's motivating me to finish the P90X! It looks so sad only 4% filled, I can't wait to see that thing at 50%! I just finished the 1.5 hour Yoga workout. It was pretty rough, I have a long way to go. I once again failed on the "twisted half moon" pose. I literally can't even hold it for 5 seconds. It's really rough on me. I give anybody credit who can hold it for 30 seconds each side after the 48 minutes of other stretches and poses.

I'm sure I'll sleep well tonight, more pool time tomorrow!

Feeling great after a day off

Posted by Kevin Doak on Wednesday at: 8:07pm (January 6th, 2010)
I'm really back in the swing of things! I felt a little run down after a day of dryland, swimming and P90X so I took Tuesday off to recover. I swam 3,000 yards this morning with a :55 second 100 backstroke (from a push) to finish out the workout. Tonight I will be doing my first Yoga session of the 90 day fitness program. I'm not really looking forward to the pain, but I think it's a fantastic workout!

I'm feeling motivated to improve for so many reasons, I want this to be a fantastic year and I'm going to do the things that will help me drop time!

Gotta step up my game!

Posted by Kevin Doak on Wednesday at: 7:42am (January 6th, 2010)
I love competition! This guy's times are really gonna push me. I don't frequently check other national times but I found myself on the USMS website looking into my own progress and saw some FANTASTIC times in the 30-34 age group by a swimmer by the name of Derya Büyükuncu. He apparently swam some Masters meets this past year. This guys times are (by comparison to me) impressive.

Taken from Wikipedia:

P90X and Community Pool

Posted by Kevin Doak on Wednesday at: 6:29am (January 6th, 2010)
First of all, lets all sit back and appreciate that nifty little P90X progress bar on the left. Although it looks relatively pathetic only being filled 3%, it's a daily reminder of how much I want to finish the program this time. Last time around I chose to quit 45 days in to rest up for the 2009 World Champ Trials in Indianapolis. I finished my 3rd P90X workout late last night after a brief 2,800 yard workout at a local community pool. Today I feel like I got hit by a truck.

No Tech Suit Swims in 2009!

Posted by Kevin Doak on Monday at: 7:21am (January 4th, 2010)
I just realized that I didn't have a single tech suit swim in the 2009 calendar year! In 2008 I wore a tech suit ~4 times leading up to the 2008 U.S. Olympic Trials. Afterward (and during), I really didn't like what they were doing to the sport so I swore them off for my own performances. I certainly have nothing against anybody who chooses to wear one as long as they're legal. I just find that I can give myself more credit when I don't have a suit to credit a great swim to. I KNOW that each time I dive in the water, it's ME who is responsible for my time... me and my goggles anyway!

4,300 Yards

Posted by Kevin Doak on Monday at: 6:36am (January 4th, 2010)
Most swimmers would agree that 4,300 yards really isn't anything to brag about. However, this distance represents one of my longest practices in memory. I typically swim a quick 3,000 yards and call it a day due to a rushed schedule. Today being a Sunday, I made time to spend a little longer in the pool. It's been difficult to find open pools with all the holiday closings. I literally couldn't find a single place to train yesterday, hence the Sunday practice.

Feeling quite slow, but at least the pool was open

Posted by Kevin Doak on Friday at: 8:31pm (January 1st, 2010)
I had such a good beginning a month ago, making progress and feeling better in the pool. Then came a week off for holiday activities...

Nothing is quite as motivating as a horrible practice. I can't really brag about a single set I did today. I swam 3,200 yards and wish I had some exciting times to share. I had the pool all to myself, which was by far the best part of training today.